Saturday, January 24, 2009

Community benchmarking of VMs - Will it work?

There is a new virtualization community resource, from vKernel, called CompareMyVM. It’s a community of users where virtualization users around the globe can submit and share their VM & virtual hardware sizing information - described as:

CompareMyVM is a community site where you learn how to right size your VMs. Compare your virtual machine resource allocations with that of the community at large. You can compare by application category to see how your peers are allocating resources to gain the most efficiency out of their environments. You can also contribute your VM sizings to the community. Your submissions are anonymous.

Things you can do with CompareMyVM…
* Browse Community Submissions
* Vote Submissions Up or Down
* Edit Submissions
* Submit Your Own VMs

This seems to be addressing the need of a benchmark source for information, highlighting that there is a clear lack of this information analysis to be provided by any other tool.

Who would provide opportunities to improve based on the data submitted?